
Research fellowships, Paris Institute for Advanced Study

The Paris Institute for Advanced Study is launching two calls for applications for research fellowships in 2019-2020, open to researchers of all nationalities:

- one call for 5 or 10-month fellowships in the "Blue Sky Research" program, open to all disciplines and themes in the humanities and social sciences. - one call for 5 or 10-month fellowships in the “Brain, Culture and Society” program. This call is for researchers willing to conduct a project at the interface between neuroscience, cognitive science and the humanities and social sciences.


Society for French Studies: Visiting International Fellowship

The Society for French Studies is pleased to accept applications for the 2018 Visiting International Fellowship scheme. The deadline for this round is 1 April 2018. The scheme is intended to support an annual visiting fellowship, tenable in any UK or Irish university, or institution of higher education in the UK or Ireland, to allow outstanding academics in the French Studies field based in overseas universities to spend time at UK or Irish higher education institutions. 



SFHS research awards and fellowships

The Society for French Historical Studies solicits applications for the following fellowships (application deadline, 15 February 2018).


1. Research Travel Award, jointly awarded by the SFHS and the Western Society for French History


Scholars from the US and Canada, awarded PhD since January 2013, for research conducted outside of North America on any aspect of French history


2. Farrar Memorial Awards, two awards will be made



RSA 2018 Research Fellowships

The Renaissance Society of America is pleased to announce that our 2018 Research Fellowships competition is now open. For the 2018 cycle, the RSA will award up to thirty-three (33) individual fellowships to scholars working in the field of Renaissance studies (1300–1700). Fellowships are made possible by donations and bequests from RSA members, and grants from the Samuel H.


Aide à l'édition XVIIe siècle

La Société d’étude du XVIIe siècle réserve chaque année une somme d’un montant maximum de 1500 euros pour aider, sans exclusive de discipline, à la publication d’un ou plusieurs ouvrages traitant du XVIIe siècle. Les candidats doivent adresser leur tapuscrit en deux exemplaires jusqu’au 1er mars 2017 au

Président de la Société d’étude du XVIIe siècle M. Jean-Robert Armogathe Institut Bossuet 6 rue Guynemer 75006 Paris

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