Governance of NASSCFL



Article I. NAME

The name of this society shall be the North American Society for Seventeenth-Century French Literature.


1. The aim of the Society is to encourage the study of seventeenth-century French literature in the United States and Canada, as well as to work in close collaboration. with those of similar interest in other countries. 2. In order to carry out this goal, the Society shall hold an annual Conference where scholars of similar concern may gather and discuss in as free and unstructured an atmosphere as possible their literary interests.


1. Membership is defined only by an interest in seventeenth-century French literature and attendance when possible at the Society's annual Conference. 2. There shall be annual dues to support the objectives of the society as described in Article II. l and 2. [Paragraph added by amendment approved March 18, 1994]


1.Proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Society shall be presented in writing to the Secretary at least four weeks before the start of the annual Conference. The Secretary shall then be responsible for distributing the proposed amendment( s) prior to the next annual Conference to all those on the current mailing list. 2. Proposed amendments shall be approved only at the business meeting of the annual Conference by a majority vote of conferees present and voting.

Article V. PURPOSE

The Society is organized exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes within the meaning of section 50 l (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. [Article approved by Executive Council September 5, 2000]


Upon the dissolution of the association, the Executive Council shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all the liabilities of the association in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) as the Executive Council shall determine.  Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office of the association is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes. [Article added by amendment approved by Executive Council, September 5, 2000]



I . The President of the Society for the ensuing year shall be elected at the business meeting of the annual Conference by a majori ty vote of conferees present and voting.  Inasmuch as possible he/she shall be chosen from a geographic area representing in turn the Eastern, Central, and Western regions of the United States and Canada. He/She shall not be eligible for immediate reelection.  When the MLA meets in the West we may vary from it. [Last sentence added by amendment approved 1982] 2. The President bears general responsibility for the annual Conference. 3. The President, in consultation with the Executive Council, shall appoint the chairs of the panels comprising the annual Conference. Each panel chair shall then bear responsibility for the naming of his/her panel. When all panels are complete, the President shall draw up and distribute the Conference program to all those on the current mailing list. 4. The President shall preside at the annual business meetings both of the Executive Council and of the Society. In the event of a tie vote on any question, the President shall cast the deciding vote. 5. If for any reason the President is unable to complete the duties of this office, the Executive Council shall ·elect a successor, if possible from the same geographic region.  The Secretary shall be responsible for seeking nominations as well as for distributing and counting ballots. 6. In the event of a vacancy on the Executive Council or in the positions of Secretary or of Bibliographer occurring between annual meetings of the Association, the President, in consultation with the Executive Council and Secretary, shall make an interim appointment. 7. It shall be the responsibility of the President, aided by the Executive Council, to assure a proper continuation of the annual Conference for the following year. 8. It shall be the responsibility of the President to transmit the current mailing list of conferees to his/her successor, as well as to the Secretary as soon as possible after the annual Conference.


1. The Executive Council shall consist of the immediate past President, of one colleague appointed by the current President, and of two other colleagues elected by majority vote at the annual business meeting of the Conference.  In its deliberations it shall be assisted by the Secretary, Bibliographer, Editor of the Actes, and Treasurer, each having voice but not vote. [Editor added by amendment approved 1983; Treasurer added by amendment approved 1994] 2. The Executive Council shall advise the President on matters of both immediate and long­ range interest. 3. The Executive Council shall convene at the annual Conference prior to the Society's regular business meeting.  It shall present any recommendations for approval by majority vote by conferees present at the regular business meeting. 4. The term of office of non-elected members of the Executive Council shall be one year.  In order to provide greater continuity on the Executive Council from one year to the next, the two elected members shall serve for staggered two-year terms. No elected member shall serve for more than one term every five years. [Paragraph amended in 1983]


1. The Secretary, Bibliographer and Treasurer shall each serve for a one-year term, renewable indefinitely. [Treasurer position added by amendment approved March 18, 1994] 2. The Secretary shall assist the President as necessary.  He/She shall provide a record of the annual business meetings of both the Executive Council and of the Society, as well as assure a more permanent mailing address for the Society. 3. The Bibliographer shall present at each annual Conference as complete as possible a report on research in progress in the United States and Canada concerning seventeenth-century French literature. 4. The Treasurer shall receive annual dues and distribute in a timely fashion a portion of said dues to the organizers of the annual conference. [Sentence added by amendment approved March 18, 1994] The Society may decide, by majority vote at the annual business meeting, to have separate Treasurers for the United States and Canada. [Sentence added by amendment approved April 4, 1997]


1. The President, in consultation with the Executive Council, may appoint committees found necessary to further the aims of the Society. 2. The duration of all committees and committee appointments shall be at the discretion of the President, in consultation with the Executive Council.  Any committee serving for more than one year must be approved by a majority vote of those present and voting at the annual business meeting.


1. The annual Conference shall normally be held on or near the campus of the current President. 2. The Conference shall normally be held in the Spring, at a time determined by the President. 3. The English and French languages shall have equal status at the Conference.


Traditional rules of parliamentary procedure shall be observed at the annual business meeting of the Society.  If necessary, the President shall appoint a Parliamentarian to serve at any given meeting.

Adopted with amendments, September 5, 2000: Erec Koch, President Perry Gethner, Treasurer


The "Bureau Perpetuel" was re-elected.The Executive Committee is now composed as follows:

Current Co-President: Charlotte Trinquet du Lys and Beni Balak

Former President: Marie-Christine Pioffet

Editor/Publisher: Rainer Zaiser

US Treasurer: Perry Gethner

Canadian Treasurer: Jean Le Clerc

Bibliographer: Bertrand Landry

Secretary: Christine McCall Probes

Member-at-large 2013-2015: Bertrand Landry

Member-at-large 2014-2016: Chris Semk.