La Princesse de Clèves by Lafayette: A New Translation and Bilingual Pedagogical Edition for the Digital Age (Bilis, Blanchard, Harrison, Visentin)

La Princesse de Clèves by Lafayette: A New Translation and Bilingual Pedagogical Edition for the Digital Age (available here)

Hélène E. Bilis, Jean-Vincent Blanchard, David Harrison, and Hélène Visentin. La Princesse De Clèves by Lafayette: A New Translation and Bilingual Pedagogical Edition for the Digital Age. Ann Arbor, MI: Lever Press, 2022. EPUB.

The editors of this volume designed it with French language and culture learners in mind. The text provides a bilingual edition to foreground French literary and linguistic content and encourage students’ reflection on the novel’s translation. The translation offers a rich variety of pedagogical dossiers with a wide range of resources and approaches for teaching and exploring La Princesse de Clèves in twenty-first century courses. The translation is enriched by translator’s notes that compare the current translation with earlier editions and shed light on the socio-cultural context of Lafayette’s time.