S. Pierse & E. Dunne (dir.), Turmoil : Instability and Insecurity in the Eighteenth-Century Francophone Text

S. Pierse & E. Dunne (dir.), Turmoil : Instability and Insecurity in the Eighteenth-Century Francophone Text, Liverpool, Liverpool University Press, coll. "Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment", 2022.

What is turmoil? This bilingual and interdisciplinary book proposes a distinctive new ontology of turmoil through study of its incidence and impact within the eighteenth-century francophone context. With focus on Enlightenment, revolutionary and post-revolutionary texts, these essays identify three key generative indicators of turmoil: phenomenon; paradigm shift; adaptation.

· An original ontology of turmoil investigated in an exciting collection of erudite essays on texts from the turmoil-filled eighteenth-century francophone world.

· Exciting new studies on eighteenth-century francophone texts from the perennial, yet topical perspectives of instability, insecurity and turmoil.

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 “This book highlights and celebrates humanity’s dramatic ability to adapt, to repair, to forge on. But it also exposes a new dark side, which must surely become the focus of a future study on humanity’s concomitant ability to swiftly blank the turmoil within its serially new adaptations or accommodations: we suffer, we adapt … and we ultimately forget.”

Table of Contents

List of Illustrations
Catriona Seth. Preface.                                               
Síofra Pierse. Introduction: Turmoil, Instability, Adaptation, Elasticity in the Eighteenth-Century Francophone Text

I – Intimations of Insecurity
Ioana Galleron and Chiara Mainardi. Troubles, désordres, crises: une approche numérique des expressions de la tourmente au XVIIIe siècle
Kate E. Tunstall. The Knife and the Pen: The Attentat of 1757
James Hanrahan. Political Turmoil in Voltaire’s Vision and Revision of the Fronde

II – Filtering Natural Disasters 
Jenny Mander. The Antilles, the Natural History of Hurricanes and Earthquakes, the Seven Years’ War and Global Commerce through the Lens of Abbé Raynal’s Histoire philosophique et politique des deux Indes                                        
Laurence Macé. (Ré)inventer le Vésuve, modéliser la catastrophe, vivre la tourmente: Dupaty en Italie méridionale à la veille de la Révolution
Síofra Pierse. Voltaire and the Lisbon Disaster: From Aftershocks to Ataraxy

III – Instability and Memory
Cyril Francès. Poétique de l’émotion populaire dans les Tableaux historiques de la Révolution française de Nicolas Chamfort  
Adam Schoene. Turmoil and Corruption in Joséphine de Monbart’s Lettres tahitiennes
Erin-Marie Legacey. Disorder and the Dead in Revolutionary Paris

IV –  Sade and Female Marginalisation
Edward T. O’Sullivan. Fictional Turmoil: The Bloodlust of Women in Sadean Libertine Narratives
Shasha Ma. L’Insécurité du sexe féminin: de l’infanticide au féminicide chez Sade

V – Resilience post Turmoil
Simon Davies. Bernardin de Saint-Pierre: le solitaire engagé 
Gabriel-Robert Thibault. La Résistance spirituelle dans la France des philosophes
Emma M. Dunne. ‘A moi! A un proscrit! A un malheureux fugitif!’: Isabelle de Charrière’s Emigré-e-s amid the Turmoil of Exile
John Leigh. Revolutionary Upheaval and Domestic Turmoil in Beaumarchais’s unsung play La Mère coupable

Notes on Contributors
Bibliography of Works Cited

Síofra Pierse is Associate Professor in French and Head of SLCL at University College Dublin. She specialises in 18th-century French literature, is editor of The City in French Writing (UCD Press), co-editor of The Dark Side of Diderot (Peter Lang), author of Voltaire historiographer: Narrative Paradigms (Voltaire Foundation) and Voltaire: A Reference Guide (forthcoming).

Emma M. Dunne completed her PhD in French under Síofra Pierse (supervisor) as Irish Research Council Postgraduate Scholar and Resident Scholar at UCD Humanities Institute, University College Dublin. Her PhD investigates concepts of happiness, identity, migration and exile within the writings of Dutch-Swiss francophone author and composer, Isabelle de Charrière.

The Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment series, previously known as SVEC (Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century), has published over 500 peer-reviewed scholarly volumes since 1955 as part of the Voltaire Foundation at the University of Oxford. International in focus, Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment volumes cover wide-ranging aspects of the eighteenth century and the Enlightenment, from gender studies to political theory, and from economics to visual arts and music, and are published in English or French.

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