Society for French Studies: Visiting International Fellowship

The Society for French Studies is pleased to accept applications for the 2018 Visiting International Fellowship scheme. The deadline for this round is 1 April 2018. The scheme is intended to support an annual visiting fellowship, tenable in any UK or Irish university, or institution of higher education in the UK or Ireland, to allow outstanding academics in the French Studies field based in overseas universities to spend time at UK or Irish higher education institutions. 


In order to extend the global reach of the scheme, the Society has increased the maximum value of the award to £5,000 and extended the maximum length of the Fellowship to eight weeks. It strongly encourages applications to support visits from scholars in all parts of the world, including Africa, Australasia and the Caribbean. The key objective of the Fellowship grant is to encourage the internationalization of French Studies in the UK and Ireland through engagement with those active in the field elsewhere. It is also intended that the Fellow will use the occasion to further their own academic interests, and to visit more than one UK institution. Visits should be of no more than eight weeks’ duration, although an extended period may be appropriate if additional funding is available from institutional sources.


Full details of how to apply are on the Society’s website:


To access information on our new Prize Research Fellowships scheme, click here. To access information on our Research Support scheme, click here

Applications must be completed by an academic member of staff in the UK or Irish host institution. The UK or Irish host applicant is also expected to organise, direct and take academic and organisational responsibility of the fellowship. Host applicants must be members of or associated Higher Education departments of French (or departments which teach French) in the UK and Ireland. Main applicants must also be members of the Society for French Studies. No more than one application may be submitted by any institution in one academic year (this applies to collegiate and non-collegiate universities alike, and includes joint applications from two or institutions).


The Society will offer a grant of up to £5,000 to support travel, accommodation, subsistence and other expenses; up to an additional £500 is also available to cover the costs of visiting other institutions in the UK or Ireland. Personal expenditure on items such as visa costs, car hire and health insurance are not eligible, and it is expected that host institutions will offer support for these. Application for this award will be competitive, and it cannot be made retrospectively. Informal enquiries can be directed to Professor Edward Welch, University of Aberdeen,