Brown University Postdocs - due date: 10 Feb 2016

Brown University: DOF: University Wide

Brown University Presidential Diversity Postdoctoral Fellowships

Location: Providence, RI

Closes: Feb 10, 2016 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time (GMT-5 hours)

Brown University invites applications for one- to two-year Postdoctoral Fellowships to support the development of early career scholars from diverse backgrounds (with particular attention to historically underrepresented groups in the academy) who show promise as innovative scholars in the following integrative scholarship areas:

• Creating Peaceful, Just, and Prosperous Societies | Economic, political and cultural development are as important as defense and diplomacy in establishing peaceful and just societies. This area invites rigorous scholarship in international studies, promotes active engagement in the world of international affairs, and supports scholarship that promotes social justice and economic prosperity domestically and internationally.

• Exploring Human Experience | Brown has a long and distinguished record of innovation in the humanities. Learning from the historical record, analyzing present conditions, and comprehending our future possibilities are fundamental to the University’s mission and its contributions to society.  This area seeks to develop a robust environment for the study of human experience in all its diversity throughout history and around the world. 

• Cultivating Creative Expression | Creative expression is used to explore human values and communicate new ideas, to challenge societies, and to draw disparate groups together. At Brown, the creative arts are tightly integrated into the liberal arts. This area focuses on scholarship that can foster an environment in which artists are operating at the highest levels of their crafts and learn from and inform scholars in disciplines across the campus. 

• Understanding the Human Brain | This area focuses on efforts to understand functions of the brain that distinguish us as humans, discover treatments for disorders that diminish our capacities, and create technologies to improve lives. 

• Sustaining Life on Earth | Environmental change can threaten global supplies of food and water, harm human health, and undermine the stability of societies around the world. This area focuses on the relationship of the environment to human societies combining the efforts of natural, physical, and social scientists, together with humanists, to understand the determinants of environmental change, alter norms of human behavior, consider ethical issues related to sustainability, and develop sound environmental policies. 

• Using Science and Technology to Improve Lives | The development of new technology is critical to human progress, and Brown is at the forefront of discovery in areas such as computing, nanoscience and bioengineering. We recognize that the benefits of new technologies hinge on how well they ultimately align with societal needs. This area emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach to innovation, grounded in a broad understanding of local and global needs and concerns.

• Deciphering Disease and Improving Population Health | Improving human health requires an integrated approach to understanding the causes of disease and translating that knowledge into new modes of diagnosis, treatment, and ultimately prevention – from bench to bedside to population.

The successful candidate will teach one course per year as part of the appointment and will participate in activities related to the President’s Diversity Postdoctoral Fellows Program. Scholars with a Ph.D. in the humanities, social sciences, sciences or engineering will be considered.  The candidate’s dissertation must be complete by July 1, 2016  

These one- to two-year Postdoctoral Fellowships are not renewable.   Candidates should submit a letter of application that describes how the candidate’s scholarship fits into one or more integrative area, and describes the candidate’s interest in and plans for impacting the ethnic, gender, and/or racial diversity of the campus. Please also indicate clearly your desired departmental affiliation.  In addition, a curriculum vitae and three letters of reference are required.


Deadline for applications is February 10, 2016.

The appointment will be effective July 1, 2016.  


To apply go to Interfolio at the following link: