Visiting: Ursinus C

Visiting Assistant Professor of French 

The Department of Modern Languages at Ursinus College invites applications for a two-year renewable full-time French position at the Visiting Assistant level starting in the fall of 2015. We are seeking a well-grounded generalist with expertise in XVIIth, XVIIIth or XIXth century French literature and culture. In addition, the candidate should be competent to teach Francophone literature and culture. Main responsibilities are teaching a 3/3 course load and demonstrating a strong commitment to teaching in a liberal arts environment. An appointment to this position also carries expectations for continuing professional development along with student advising and other College/Department service. Candidates must have a native or near-native fluency in French. Familiarity with language learning technology and/or pedagogy is highly desirable. Qualified candidates will have earned a Ph. D. in French by the time of employment.