Postdoc: U of Wisconsin, Madison

A.W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship 
The UW-Madison Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship Program invites recent PhDs to apply for its three two-year postdoctoral fellowships.

The theme for 2015-2017 is Violences. We seek research that addresses the locations, causes, experiences, and effects of violence in scales varying from large to small, societal to individual, transnational to domestic, transhistorical to localized, physical and psychological, to epistemological and spiritual. Who or what engages in violence? Why and with what results? Who or what experiences violence? Why and with what results? What are the forces that generate violence, or its opposite, some form of non-violence? What is the role of memory in the legacies of violence? Research can focus on violence in relationship to human, animal, environmental, material, and/or mechanical experiences or conditions; and to the interrelationship of violence in and beyond its binary relationships with non-violence, peace, reconciliation, politics, and so forth. Projects can address communal and/or individual violence in war, religion, sectarianism, terrorism, families, sexuality, and other forms of embodied experience.

Complete information about the competition is available at our website. All application materials must be submitted by November 1, 2014.