CfP: Le 17ème siècle à la MLA 2019 à Chicago

Le 17e siècle à la MLA 2019 (Chicago)

Thinking With the Elements in Seventeenth-Century France Element theory of the Ancients, but also modern and contemporary element theories; how they shape cosmos, world, climate, humors, corporeality, materiality, the post-human. 250-word abstract by 15 March 2018; Hall Bjørnstad (

Rethinking Theatricality Conflict and circulation of models of theatricality in 17th-century drama, other genres, arts, and social culture; historical and methodological relevance of notions like dramaticity, gesture, performance. 200-word abstract by 15 March 2018; Sylvaine Guyot ( and Guillaume Peureux (

Big Data Meets Early Modern French Studies Roundtable on impact of Digital Humanities on 17th-, 18th-century French literary, performance studies. Tensions between big data and other approaches. Non-guaranteed session. Abstracts (250-300 words) by 15 March 2018; Toby Wikström ( and Masano Yamashita (