Call for application for research stays at the Collegium. Institute of Advanced Studies of Lyon

Members of this list in office in a foreign academic institution are welcome to apply for a stay at the Collegium. Institute of Advanced Studies  of Lyon during the year 2018-2019. Specialist of French studies will easily find partnerships and supports by different research teams belonging to the University of Lyon. We are available to help you to prepare your application. All details below with the link to our website and to the European Eurias programme. best regards Hervé Joly Historian, director of the Collegium. IAS of  

Call for application for research stays at the  

Collegium. Institute of Advanced Studies of Lyon 

during the academic year 2018-2019



For ten years, The Collegium. Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS) of Lyon, component of the Université de Lyon and member of the Réseau français des instituts d’études avancées (RFIEA, French IAS network), has welcomed high level researchers for middle-term stays (5 or 10 months) in partnership with local research institutes. 


The Collegium recently published its new call for applications for stays during the academic year 2018-2019. The files have to be submitted before 30th September 2017; the results will be given in December after examination by the scientific council and validation by the executive committee.


This call is open to researchers in all academic fields, holding a PhD, under a work employment contract in a foreign university or research institution. The candidates can submit original projects on any theme or projects on specific research themes in partnership with local institutions. Generally speaking, projects within the scope of one of the three priority themes of the IDEXLYON (Initiative d'excellence) will be reviewed sympathetically. The three IDEX themes are Bio-Health and society, Science and engineering, and Humanities and urbanity. To be admitted, each applicant must have the support of at least one lab or research team from the University of Lyon.


The application form, as well as the guidelines for filling it, are available on the website:


Until 8th June 2017, researchers interested by a stay at the Collegium de Lyon have also the opportunity to apply through theEuropean programme Eurias, shared by many IAS in Europe.


For any further information needed :